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About us

SC AGIMED Ltd. was founded at the initiative of MD Furjes Adriana clinical laboratory medic and laboratory assistant Erdélyi Gizella on March 15, 2005 with a piority focus desire to provide to Sovata’s citizens medical laboratory services at highest level. These services are, also, for citizens which live around of Sovata city.

The official opening of medical laboratory from Sovata, 17, Câmpu Sărat str. was at 1st September in same year in presence of local authorities and doctors with different specialities from Sovata. Also, was present the representative of medical equipment supplier.

In 2014, we opened the sampling point at Sângeorgiu de Pădure, 9 Claudia Redey Square (Medical Laboratory of City Hospital) to meet the demands of citizen of Sângeorgiu de Pădure city.

In each year we think how to improve our profesional skills, the quality of our given services as well to be closer to our customers needs and demands.

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